April 14, 2011
Effortlessly Wearable / Vaivattomat vaatteet
9:01 PM | Sender:
BLOCK log blog
I bought Vogue India at the Delhi airport and I was delighted to read about Indian designer Savio Jon's design ideology in April issue. His ideology is "based on clothing that can fit in effortlessly in any part of the world". Bandana Tewari's story of Savio Jon is interesting.
Goa as his birthplace and current home has influenced in Jon's work. In the article Jon tells about Goa's practicality in living. His clothes are bohemian, easy and comfortable in contruction. Jon's simple flat-based clothes are as practical as travel wear as they are easy to pack - and they do not get wrinkled easily. His clothes can be used as layers so they can be adjusted effortlessly for different destinations.
This is exactly what I want from clothing. If I were a copycat I would copy this collection idea because it's absolutely brilliant.
More information from Savio Jon's web page: http://saviojon.com/
Savio Jon with his wife in Vogue India / Savio Jon vaimoineen Intian Voguessa |
Stylish Vogue India cover, dress by Emilio Pucci / Tyylikäs Vogue Intian kansi, mekko Emilio Puccin |
Ostin Delhin lentokentältä Intian Voguen huhtikuun numeron. Ilahduin suuresti lukiessani intialaisesta vaatesuunnittelijasta nimeltään Savio Jon, sillä hänen muotoiluideologiansa perustuu siihen, että vaatteet sopivat käytettäväksi missä tahansa päin maailmaa. Bandana Tewarin toimittama artikkeli on varsin kiinnostava.
Synnyinseudullaan Goalla, joka nykyään on myös hänen asuinseutunsa, on ollut merkittävä vaikutus Jonin töihin. Jutussa hän kertoo goalaisen käytännönläheisen elämäntavan tapaan vaatteidensakin olevan hieman boheemeja, helppokäyttöisiä ja mukavia. Vaatekappaleet ovat kaavoitettu kolmiuloitteisuuden sijaan tasoista, jolloin ne on helppoa pakata ryppyynnyttömästi mukaan matkalle. Kerrospukeutumisidean vuoksi asuja voi soveltaa helposti erilaisiin matkakohteisiin sopiviksi.
Tämä on juuri sitä, mitä itse haen vaatteilta. Ja jos olisin matkija-apina niin kopsaisin mallistoidean, koska se on niin briljantti.
Lisätietoa Savio Jonista: http://saviojon.com/
All photos are taken by BLOCK log blog but they include pictures of Vogue India magazine. / Kuvat ovat BLOCK log blogin ottamia, mutta kaikissa valokuvissa on kuvia Voguen Intian sivuilta.
April 4, 2011
American dream
7:20 PM | Sender:
BLOCK log blog
What’s the American dream? Is it a bundle of clichés based on naive unfounded self-satisfaction? Or is that just being too much of a Europhile?
I happed to see a short film about a Mercedes-Benz restorer JG Francis of Mercedes Motoring in L.A. focusing on a very narrow niche namely classic diesel Mercs restored to near perfect condition with a greatest attention to authenticity. Initially I was impressed by beautiful visualization and aesthetics of the film.
It took a while to understand that I might have been even more taken with the main characters’ lifestyle where they managed to combine near zen-like attention to even a most miniscule detail with their very own laid back lifestyle.
Joy Ride in Finland |
Is that ultimately what the American dream is all about? Certainly, the living in a market area of 300 hundred million people offers more possibilities than 5 million. Even so I maintain that this is a universal dream, being able to live the way you really want to not how you are supposed to.
Anyhow, here’s the film make sure to check it out and decide for your self.
Link: Classics - A Way of Life
classic cars,
vintage cars
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