August 3, 2012

postheadericon Axelicious

Earlier I wrote about Axe's angelic ad, which amused and pleased me. There has been another funny angel ad out there a while. The story is about what is it to date an angel. :)

/ Kirjoitin aiemmin Axen enkelimainoksesta, joka miellytti ja huvitti. Enkelijatko-osa on hauska sekin, kertoo millaista on tapailla enkeliä. :)

Even more hilarious is their hair product ad. Made me laught on loud. Lovely music by the way.

/ Vieläkin hausempi on Axen hiustuotemainos,joka sai kikattamaan ääneen. Musiikkikin on ihana.

They must have incredibly fun when creating stories for these ads. What a job.

/ Heillä on varmasti mahdottoman hauskaa noita tarinoita keksiessään. Vieläpä työkseen.



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