March 30, 2012

postheadericon The Ultimate Storyteller Lady Gaga

I saw Gaga live in Helsinki last autumn. Last week I saw her on tv, same show as in Helsinki was filmed in Madison Square Garden.

In the beginning there were people telling stories they believed to be true. Then came the marketing people, artists and politics. Elvis Presley and President Kekkonen hold remarkable stories of their childhood and success.

Today is very much about stories and Lady Gaga. Every brand has a story to be told of themselves and about every product of theirs. People like stories. It is easier to remember and understand things when they are in a story-format, beginning-middle-end.

Gaga’s show is a combination of art forms, standing for equality and entertainment. She’s a brilliant performance artist and story teller. Her success story is amazing and the phenomena around this Mother Monster, one of a kind. She has done much for her age (26!), for example set foundation called Born This Way Foundation, for empowering youth and inspiring bravery. Go Gaga, I’m loving it.

End of story.





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