February 12, 2012

postheadericon Pathfinders in the white

Pathfinders in the white

Unless you happen to live in the middle of a metropolis the chances are you are surrounded by wildlife. As our primal senses have somewhat degenerated since leaving (our ancestors, that is) the great planes of Africa, we mostly just ignore all the critter activity around us.

However, the winter works its magic again. Snow blanket turns the landscape into carbon paper revealing every nightly visitor -small or big. Some of these findings are what you might expect, while others really surprise you. A year ago I found out a wolf had killed a deer in my friends´ front yard, no further than 40 kilometres from Helsinki. Without a fresh coat of snow I would have bee totally oblivious what taken place in the early hours of dawn.

Next time you come across landscape covered with snow keep your eyes open for the signs left by those pathfinders in the white.




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